
Admissions consultation for 2-year-olds

Proposed changes to admission arrangements for 2-year-olds

The school nursery is proposing to expand its existing nursery provision to provide full time and part time places for 2-year-old children. 

When nursery schools want to admit 2-year-olds onto the nursery school roll, there is a Department for Education (DfE) process and statutory duty to follow, including consultation with our existing families and the wider community.

We propose that our 2-year-old provision will open from 8:30am-6:15pm along with the existing 3 and 4-year- old provision. 

The nursery for 2-year-olds will be open term time only. 

Robin Hall nursery is part of Woodpecker Hall Academy.

The consultation on these proposals will run from 1 September to 1 October 2021.

Proposed changes

Our nursery will enable our youngest children to continue their progress from our Community Outreach stay and play provision “Hummingbirds” and continue their development in nursery from 2-years of age. The nursery provision is equipped for all children from 2-years of age and above.  We will accept all children from the wider community if we have space to accommodate them.  

Changes we plan to make include:

  • A quiet room for sleeping.
  • Nappy and changing facilities.
  • Providing a wash and shower room.
  • New resources and equipment for 2-year-olds.

How you can make your views known?

Please send any comments to [email protected] by 12pm Friday 1 October.

Public meeting

We will be holding a public meeting on Thursday 21 September at 3.30pm in the main hall at Woodpecker Hall Academy on Cuckoo Hall Lane.

What happens after the consultation?

After the closing date, responses will be collated and presented to the Department for Education (DfE). It will decide whether or not to allow us to proceed with the proposed changes.